You may want to reference certain brand names, celebrities, historical events, or facts to make your writing more specific. For example, if you’re writing fiction, you need a setting. You may need to reference specific people, events, places, or objects. MasterWriter has a very useful heading called “World” that gives you quick access to lots of helpful information you can use in your writing. From this, you can hopefully get an idea of how you can get lots of creative suggestions for any word you start with. The above is only a brief example and only includes a handful of possibilities for one word out of the hundreds that came up for only one part of speech (adjective). Here I get another long list, included “enlightened,” “all-knowing,” “far-sighted,” and “masterful.” A few rhymes include “flowchart”, “rampart”, “jumpstart”, and “apart.” Phrases include “smart money” and “you’re too smart for your own good.” Then I switch to “Extended.” These aren’t exact synonyms but related words. I decide to go with “Intelligent.” I can then choose between “Primary” and “Extended.” I can also specify parts of speech (noun, adjective, etc.) Primary adjectives that come up include “clever,” “brainy,” and “quick-witted,” along with many others. First, it gives me several options for usage, including “intelligent,” “well-dressed,” and “pain” (an older meaning of “smart” means hurts). I’ll choose the word “smart” as a starting point. To give you a better idea of how you can use MasterWriter to suggest words and phrases quickly, let’s try an example. You can search for “primary” or “extended” words.

Word Families – This feature opens up vast possibilities for every word you suggest, drawing upon not only synonyms but related words.These include alliteration (e.g., “prancing pony”), onomatopoeia (e.g., “Swoosh,” “Moo”), metaphors, similes, and more. Intensifiers – Figures of speech and intensifiers help make your writing more distinctive and expressive.Speech Types – Search for words based on speech types such as verb, noun, adjective, or adverb.You can search for rhyming syllables as well as words. Rhyming Dictionary – Whether you’re a poet, songwriter, or just want to insert a few rhymes into your writing to make it more creative, the rhyming dictionary lets you do this easily.The phrase dictionary has over 33,000 phrases to draw from. You type in a word and get entire phrases that might be appropriate. Phrases – Sometimes, you need not just a word but a whole phrase.Synonyms – Like a thesaurus, MasterWriter can suggest synonyms for any word.MasterWriter provides far more advanced ways to find the words you need quickly. This is helpful but only takes you so far. Of course, there are online thesauruses that are a little more efficient, but you’re still basically getting a list of synonyms. You can use a dictionary or thesaurus, but these are really pre-digital age tools with limited benefits. One of the biggest challenges for writers is coming up with the ideal word for the occasion. MasterWriter Helps You Find the Perfect Word or Phrase MasterWriter Discount For Creative Writers